
Deleted Account? Quick Hack to find out why a user left

ImageJust read Email:Verify Growth Hack That Will Increase Conversions this morning (very clever by the way, I love it!) and it reminded me of something we did at UberNote years ago to find out why people left.

On the delete account web page we put a short set of survey questions.  None of the questions were required to delete the user’s account, but we did receive a roughly 75% completed rate for at least the first question.


This form also emailed us the answers and stored them in a database table.  Over time we changed the questions a few times to get more information.  It became an extremely valuable way for us to figure out why people deleted accounts.

One thing I’ve always meant to add was a question of “Would like to be notified if we make changes to our service to better serve your needs?”  That way we could have a list of soft leads we could try to contact again, after we made changes.

That’s the basic idea.  Add some questions as someone is leaving your site for good, there is valuable information to gather while the door is hitting them on the way out.  You’ll be surprised how many people respond constructively.