Lessons Learned from UberNote Failed B2C
The backstory, UberNote Online Web Notes started as a side project built in a townhouse north of Baltimore on nights and weekends...
UberNote has officially shut down
It was a difficult decision, but UberNote has officially shut down. UberNote started as a side project built in a townhouse north of Baltimore on nights and weekends. We had our own personal need for a way to keep our notes in...
Taking the Slow Leap
I was ready to combine my attraction to running my own business with my expertise and skill set. I was sure pretty confident that was a formula for success, but this epiphany didn’t come overnight. It was a slow process...
The Logic in Starting UberNote
The idea for UberNote started over 4 years ago in late 2006 (It’s a little hard to believe). During that time “web 2.0” startups were at their peak. Delicious, Flickr, Myspace and other early businesses in...