My Startup Journey

Interview on the SaaS Insider Podcast

We recently shared our ‘rise up’ story on the SaaS Insider Podcast with host Shira Abel (find her on Twitter @shiraabel ). We briefly touch on referral marketing, but really dig into how our SaaS business was able to slowly climb to where we are today.

Listen to the podcast on iTunes or Android and the web.

Josh Ho covers his successes and failures in building the Referral Rock brand, along with what he’s learned along the way. This lesson and experience helped transition the gears towards focusing on a software that is built for businesses, rather than consumers.

He discusses how he found a spot (referral marketing) in the market that he could dive in to. Initially, the idea was to offer something that no one else was scratching the surface of,  a referral marketing solution to everyday businesses. Which actually took off and lead to learning how to transition from freemium to a paid subscription software.