Deleted Account? Quick Hack to find out why a user left
Just read Email:Verify Growth Hack That Will Increase Conversions this morning (very clever by the way, I love it!) and it reminded me of something we did at UberNote years ago to find out why people left. On the delete...
9 Ways I Benefit from Watching Shark Tank
With the return of Shark Tank this week I decided to write up all the ways I benefit from the show. If you aren’t familiar with the show, I highly recommend you check it out. Basically business owners come into the...
Just because you can build it. Doesn’t mean you should
I’ve probably been burned by this at least 1/2 a dozen times. There are friends of mine who I know have/are doing the exact same thing (you know who you are). Here are the steps of a start-up in the mind of a...
Idea: Perfect Reader Application/Service
This thought has been in my head for awhile, but it took my friend Jay’s rant to get all the thoughts on paper (so to speak) Yea, I love consuming from my iPad but it’s messy. I read in GReader and star stuff to read....
Idea: Smart Todo List App
I’m always looking for business ideas and I come up with quite a few on a regular basis. I’m going to start posting some that I have little or no intention of pursuing. The first one is “Smart Todo List”....
Wanted! Equation on how should I value my time
My friend Jay and I had a brief twitter conversation about being guilty of wasting time on little things. I read this article awhile back (How should a startup founder value...
Are businesses really in the business of creating jobs?
I’ve been reading a lot about job creation lately and came across the following article: Small Business: A Misunderstood Beast – Yahoo! Finance. This article really brought to light something I haven’t thought...
Productivity Tipping Point
There are times I am extremely productive and other times I am just scatterbrained and all over the place (can be good too, but not when you mean to be productive). I believe there is a productivity tipping point; a point where...
Good funding stories vs evil funding stories
I just finished reading and can’t help but feel inspired. If you have the time and are interested in funding, it is a...
Taking the Slow Leap
I was ready to combine my attraction to running my own business with my expertise and skill set. I was sure pretty confident that was a formula for success, but this epiphany didn’t come overnight. It was a slow process...